Table of contents
React is a java script library (for front end development) for creating Dynamic & Interactive user interfaces
Library ---\> a tool that provides specific functionalities [React]
Framework ---> set of tools & guidelines for building apps [Angular, View]
ct+, -> settings
ct+p -> to search a File
ct+shift+p -> to search in Command pallet
ct+ddd -> to bring multiple cursors, after edit press escape multiple times (add next occurence)
ct+shift+l -> add all occurrence
Install Node.js from chrome
#Command to check the version of Node
node -v
Install VS code from chrome
add d extension Prettier in VS code [ctrl+, -> format after save (tick)]
ctrl+, -> format after save (tick)
official tool CRA -> Create React App
one more tool which is popular is Vite
npm create vite@latest #(4.1.0)
# y, <name>, framework ->React, variant ->TypeScript
cd react-app #go into d name of dir which was specified while creating vite
npm install #installes all d specifications
npm run dev
code . #it will open VS code
To create React Component -> src (source code)-> new folder/file
.tsx = type script for react components
.ts = for plane type script files
2 ways to create a react component
java script class
Function based components r more popular bcz they r more concise & easier to wright
#PascalCasing ---> name of the function should be in PascalCasing -> google it -> it converts html into JSX (Java Script XML)
Install Bootstrap
npm i bootstrap@5.2.3 #(latest)