AWS Assignment


3 min read

1] Provide peering connection between 3 VPC, check transitive connection.

  • Create 3 VPC's

  • Create 2public & 2private subnets in different availability zones for all VPC's

  • Add those subnets to respective route tables

  • Create internet gateways for each VPC's & attach it to VPC

    • Route the IG to public RT

    • Create peering connection

    • Add it in the Route table

    • Now ping to private instance of other VPC & it will ping

2] Create transit gateway and connect 3 VPC, check transitive connection here

  • Create Transit gateways

  • Create Transit gateway attachments

  • you can see the changes in the Transit gateway route tables

  • Editing the main route tables of the instances and attaching tgw attachments

  • Now try to ping instances of different VPC, it will ping

3] Create a single Nat-instance and access internet from 2 private ec2 instances launched in two 2 different AZ's.

  • Creating NAT Instance

  • Attach elastic IP

  • Edit the Rout table

  • Now try to ping, it will ping

4] Create NAT-gateway and access internet from 2 private ec2 instances present in different AZ's

  • Create a NAT gateway

  • Edit routs

  • Now ping

5] Setup 2 Flow-logs for VPC, and store each in Cloudwatch-logs and S3.

Through S3

  • VPC -> Select public VPC (my-vpc-01) -> Flow logs -> Create flow log -> Name -> Filter -> Maximum Aggregation interval -> Destination -> create flow logs

  • Go to S3 bucket, there you can find aws logs

Through Cloud Watch

  • Create an IAM role & provide CloudWatchFullAccess

  • Create Cloud watch Log Group

  • now select VPC & create a flow log

  • go to cloud watch log group & see Log streams

6] Setup private connection between ec2 and S3. Use both Gateway and Interface endpoints.

Gateway Endpoint

  • Attach IAM S3 full access to private EC2 instance

  • Go to End point in VPC & create one

  • Route table will be automatically updated

Interface Endpoint

  • Network interface will be created after doing all this

7] Block any 2 to 3 ips. Pick these ips from flow-logs entries.

  • Create the Network ACL