Shell Script Assignment
Table of contents
- 1] Write a shell script to print arguments passed to the script in reverse order
- 3] Write a script that monitors system performance & sends a mail notification with warning messages about resource usage like RAM, disk usage every 24 hours
- 4] Write a script to that backups of a directory as tar zip file every weekend & store them as versions
- 5] Write a script to find the files in a directory that were last modified more than 4 weeks ago & delete them, starting with the ones that consume the most space
- 6] Explain the difference between running a script with './script' and running it with 'nohup ./script &'
- 7] Read an integer and generate the following pattern :
- 8] Write a script to display the contents of the file in reverse order without using tac command
- 9] Write a script to reverse a string using while loop
- 10] Read an integer 'n' and generate the following pattern:
- 11] Write a script that rename a file or directory by replacing its letters with lowercase from uppercase letters
- 12] Write a script that takes multiple inputs from the user as arguments and only prints the arguments if they are integers
1] Write a shell script to print arguments passed to the script in reverse order
# Check if any arguments are provided
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No arguments provided."
exit 1
# Get the total number of arguments
# Loop through arguments in reverse order
for ((i = total_args; i > 0; i--)); do
# Print each argument
echo "Argument $i: ${!i}"
${!i} --> it gives the place value
3] Write a script that monitors system performance & sends a mail notification with warning messages about resource usage like RAM, disk usage every 24 hours
rfree=$(free -m | sed -n '2p' | awk '{print$4}')
duse=$(df -h | awk '{print$5}' | sed -n 5p | sed 's/%//g')
if [ $rfree -lt 50 ]; then
echo -e "Warning!!!!The ram usage has crossed limit \nThe current free space is $rfree MB"
| mail -s "High RAM Usage"
echo "The current free space available is $rfree MB" | mail -s "RAM Usage"
if [ $duse -gt 80 ]; then
echo -e "The disk usage has crossed 80%!!!!!! \n The current disk usage percentage is
$duse" | mail -s "High Disk Usage"
echo "The current disk usage percentage is $duse" | mail -s "Disk Usage"
Creating cronjob
crontab –e
00 00 * * * sh
And start the postfix service
systemctl start postfix
4] Write a script to that backups of a directory as tar zip file every weekend & store them as versions
date=$(date "+%U")
tar -czf "$backup_directory/$backup_filename" "$source_directory"
5] Write a script to find the files in a directory that were last modified more than 4 weeks ago & delete them, starting with the ones that consume the most space
echo "Enter the path of the dir to search"
read dir
find $dir -type f -mtime +28| xargs du -sh | sort -rh > temp
while read line
echo $line | awk '{print$NF}' | xargs rm
done < temp
6] Explain the difference between running a script with './script' and running it with 'nohup ./script &'
Foreground Execution (
):Blocking Execution: When you run a script with
, it runs in the foreground and occupies the terminal. The script's output is visible in the terminal, and you may need to wait for it to finish before you can interact with the shell again.Hangs Up When Terminal Closes: If you close the terminal or disconnect from the session, the script is terminated because it is associated with the terminal. It is tightly bound to the shell session from which it was launched.
Background Execution with
nohup ./script &
:Background Execution: When you use
nohup ./script &
, the script is executed in the background. This means it does not tie up the terminal, and you can continue to use the terminal for other tasks while the script runs.Disassociation from Terminal: The
(no hang up) command disconnects the script from the terminal, ensuring that the script continues running even if the terminal is closed or the user logs out. The output is redirected to a file namednohup.out
by default.Suppressing Hangup Signals:
also suppresses the SIGHUP (hangup) signal, so the script is not terminated when the terminal session ends.
7] Read an integer and generate the following pattern :
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
up to 'n' rows
echo "Enter the value of 'n':"
read n
# Outer loop for rows
for ((i = 1; i <= n; i++)); do
# Inner loop for columns
for ((j = 1; j <= i; j++)); do
echo -n "$j " # Print the current number
# Move to the next line after each row
echo ""
8] Write a script to display the contents of the file in reverse order without using tac command
echo "Enter the filename:"
read filename
if [ -f "$filename" ]; then
# Use tail to get the last line number
last_line=$(wc -l < "$filename")
# Use tail to print the lines in reverse order, rev to reverse characters in each line
for ((i = last_line; i >= 1; i--)); do
tail -n "$i" "$filename" | head -n 1 | rev
echo "File not found: $filename"
9] Write a script to reverse a string using while loop
echo "Enter a string:"
read input_string
# Initialize variables
# Use a while loop to reverse the string
index=$((length - 1))
while [ $index -ge 0 ]; do
index=$((index - 1))
echo "Reversed string: $reversed_string"
10] Read an integer 'n' and generate the following pattern:
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
up to 'n' rows
echo "Enter the value of 'n':"
read n
# Outer loop for rows
for ((i = 1; i <= n; i++)); do
# Inner loop for columns
for ((j = 1; j <= i; j++)); do
echo -n "$counter " # Print the current number
counter=$((counter + 1))
# Move to the next line after each row
echo ""
echo -n will output the text without moving to the next line, allowing the next command's output to appear on the same line.
11] Write a script that rename a file or directory by replacing its letters with lowercase from uppercase letters
# Function to convert uppercase letters to lowercase
to_lowercase() {
echo "$1" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'
# Check if a file or directory name is provided as an argument
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <file_or_directory_name>"
exit 1
# Loop through provided arguments
for item in "$@"; do
# Check if the item exists
if [ -e "$item" ]; then
# Get the lowercase version of the item name
lowercase_name=$(to_lowercase "$item")
# Rename the item
mv -n "$item" "$lowercase_name"
echo "Renamed '$item' to '$lowercase_name'"
echo "Error: '$item' not found."
12] Write a script that takes multiple inputs from the user as arguments and only prints the arguments if they are integers
# Function to check if a value is an integer
is_integer() {
if [[ $1 =~ $re ]]; then
return 0
return 1
# Check if there are arguments provided
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No arguments provided."
exit 1
echo "Integers provided as arguments:"
# Loop through the provided arguments
for arg in "$@"; do
if is_integer "$arg"; then
echo "$arg"